Full Name - Full Name Should be as per Your Certificate Use Only Capital Letter (For eg. RAHUL KUMAR ,NITA KUMARI)
EmailID - Email Id will use for communication purpose keep It remember for future reference You Can use an Email Id with maximum Five users (For eg.kumar@gmail.com) *Please Do Not use same EmailID as Mention above .This is only for Demo Purpose
User Name - User name will be use for login to Chancellor Portal Please Keep It Remember As Login Credentials Please use Only [a-z],[ _ ] & [0-9] to create username (for eg.kumar_1) Once User name created It Cant Be change So kindly create Carefully *Please Do Not use same User Name as Mention above .This is only for Demo Purpose
Mobile Number - Mobile No Will use for communication purpose Please keep It remember for future reference You Can use one Mobile No with maximum Five users Mobile no. should be 10 digit Valid no where you can get call and messages For communication purpose
Password - Create a Password to login Chancellor Portal Please Keep It Remember as Login Credentials Please Use at least One Upper case letter [A-Z] One Lower case letter[a-z] One Digit[0-9] One Special Character among this[!~`@#$%^&] For eg .(Kumar@1) *Please Do Not use same Password as Mention above .This is only for Demo Purpose
Confirm Password - Please Enter Same Password as above For eg. If you Enter in Password Field like (Kumar@1) ...Please Enter Same Password In Confirm Password (Kumar@1)